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Freedom of information.

All policies from public institutions, whether they are local, national or EU, should be accessible to all people, regardless of their income, ethnic origin, nationality, residence status, disability, gender, etc. That is why, we urge all public institutions to make their internal policy documents publicly available.   

Based on Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001, in close collaboration with the Validity Foundation, we requested internal documents of the European Commission to make it available for all interested stakeholders. 

As it was communicated by Commission officials several times, following the request of the European Council, the Commission has not developed any thematic guidance for Member States for the 2021-2027 EU funds period. Instead, the Commission developed internal guidance for the negotiations of the EU funds programmes. 

First, we publish the following 2 documents, which represent thematic guidance on the following subjects (more will follow):  

  • Tackling educational and spatial segregation of marginalised groups 

  • Infrastructure mapping in education, health, housing, childcare and social care 

We invite all stakeholders (e.g. managing authorities, NGOs, local authorities, service provides) to follow these documents in designing call for proposals and projects.

1. Note on the use of EU Funds in tackling educational and spatial segregation 2021-2027 programming period 

As you may know, the Commission published a document called Guidance Note on the use of European Structural and Investment Funds in tackling educational and spatial segregation in the 2014-2020 period.  

To continue these efforts, the Commision developed a new Note for the 2021-2027 period. The main aim is to prevent and tackle the segregation of marginalised groups (e.g. Roma, people with a migrant background, people with disabilities and other socially disadvantaged groups) through the use of EU funds (in particular ESF+ and ERDF). It is developed as a response to implications of several EU funded projects, which perpetrated segregation (e.g. building segregated schools, extending segregated neighbourhoods, etc). 

The Note for the 2021-2027 period has been completed with a chapter on the role of local authorities in tackling segregation, highlighting the special responsibilities of local authorities. It includes practical instructions on desegregation and provides guidance on how to implement them in different territorial settings (segregated neighborhoods and schools in cities, villages, etc.).  

2. Note ‘Infrastructure mapping in education, health, housing, childcare and social care. Recommendations for desk officers to review infrastructure mapping for the 2021-2027 programming period’  

One of the main gaps in designing and implementing EU funds investments is the lack of needs assessments (e.g. Interviewing service users, target groups; mapping the existing, available infrastructure (hospitals, schools, social care, housing, etc.), or their limited scope.  


In practical terms, many times EU funds investments in training, service developments, building schools, hospitals, social care, etc. lack needs assessment.  

As a consequence, actions supported by EU funds do not respond to the needs and challenges of people who currently use or will use, the services and infrastructure. Instead, EU funds investments often reflect more on political decisions, which might also violate human rights requirements (e.g. investments in residential institutions for people with disabilities instead of ensuring independent living conditions at home). 


The document provides recommendations for infrastructure mapping: 

  • to analyse facilities in education, health, housing, childcare and social care, and, 

  • based on the outcomes, to make decisions on EU funds investments.  


It contains very practical instructions (e.g. governance mechanisms, data collection, thematic and cross-cutting indicators, gap analyses), and prioritisation criteria for EU funds.  

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